Saturday 22 November 2014

CSC Slog 11

    Only 2 lectures this week, and Heap covered non-computable functions. I don't really get this at all and assignment 3 has a question related to it. I looked back at the annotated slides and those didn't help much. Not too sure what to problems related to the topic or how to solve and or prove that they are not computable.
    Went to waterloo over the thanksgiving break and didn't get a whole lot of review in for the material covered last week on Big-Oh.

Monday 17 November 2014

CSC165 slog week 9-10

    Past two weeks have been pretty tough, and pretty repetitive. we've been dealing with a heavy amount of proofs on upper bounds and the usage of big oh statements. last week had a large portion devoted to looking at functions and counting line execution with while loops and for loops based on any given input.
    Dealt with some variations of Big-Oh including proofs with varying break points in the proof and dealing briefly with doing proofs of limits using bounds.
    On a side note, assignment 2 was due last week. the floor functions we had on that were pretty rocky overall but it's done I suppose.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

CSC165 Slog 8

    This week was a more focused and complete version of last week. Just looked at functions in python and did proofs on finding the worst case and best case scenarios in quantity of lines executed in any given function. Not a whole lot of new material, just a focus on big oh, and a more formal look at worst case scenarios and visualizing how a function would execute itself given a certain input.
    Overall doing proofs with big-oh have been pretty smooth, and being able to visualize the actual executions of code to determine the worst and best case scenarios has been more fun than the actual writing of proofs.
    Not a whole lot to go over, just need to get some more practice with big oh and get used to seeing the omega pop up. In terms of topics covered, it was mostly introduced last week.