Friday 19 September 2014

CSC Slog 1

    Coming into CSC165 I was expecting the class to jump straight into programming and focus on it heavily. I was pretty surprised to find that the first subject that we focused on in lectures was the use of English and how important it is. I was caught off guard because I didn't really take into account how essential precision in language was because of how drastically meaning can change with one slip up in the structure of the sentence.
    So far I really enjoyed looking at how precise and ambiguous phrases can be since I wasn't expecting the topic. The most interesting topic for me was looking at statements and proving them true or false with conditions that we translated between English and Venn diagrams. My interest in that portion of the lectures made me pretty confident during the quiz at the first tutorial.
    The most difficult portion of the class for me so far has been converting a lot of the statements from English to purely symbols since I'm completely unfamiliar with them, but that should settle down as I see them more often and ideally be able to convert from the symbols to english and vise versa

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