Saturday 27 September 2014

CSC Slog 3

This week focused pretty heavily on methods to do negations of statements. This along with last weeks lectures, we focused on the usage of the following symbols:

Negation: '¬' 
    Basically used to negate, or imply the opposite of something. There are a lot of uses and laws behind it but the most memorable law behind negation methods that comes to mind is DeMorgan's Law.
Disjunction: '∨'
    More often than not in can be used to substitute 'or' when translating from english to symbols
Conjunction: '∧'
    the symbol is used to combine two statements, usually used as 'and' when translating to symbols
For all: '∀'
    Used to introduce a variable or set and defines whether or not all of the 
Exists some: '∃'
    Used to introduce a set of variables where only some of the units inside coincide with another set.
Implication : '⇒'
    Used after the antecedent has been introduced to show the consequent
in a set/ included in : '∈'
    the symbol that says that a variable defined to exist for all or for some instances is within another set or function

With this terminology Heap introduced and covered how to visualize different statements on a Venn diagram. 

Overall it was a difficult week getting used to pushing negations from the beginning of a statement all the way to the end, and the Venn diagrams were fairly easy to grasp, but very difficult to be as minimalistic as possible when drawing and filling in the diagrams.

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